Been doing some Reading on Diabetes lately.I read in my Prescription for Nutritional Healing Fourth Edition A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-free Remedies using Vitamins,Minerals,Herbs and Food Supplements Book by late Phyllis Balch CNC:
"Type 2 Diabetes can be controlled by Diet & Exercise alone,but Oral Medications or Injections of Insulin can be added if regulating the Diet does not work.Obesity is a major factor in Type 2 Diabetes,and a weight reduction program is often all that is required to control it."
If this is so,I don't understand why Doctor's are so quick to Prescribe Oral Medication and Insulin.Perhaps they figure their Patients won't follow orders EG: Diet,Exercise and lifestyle changes.
I have a Step-Cousin age 45-46 Diagnosed with Type II Diabetes last Year.Her fasting Blood Glucose was 157.Instead of Doctor telling her to make changes to her Diet,Excerise and lifestyle he put her on Metformin.
My late Father was prescribed Oral Medication upon being Diagnosed at age 42.He lost a considerable amount of weight after being diagnosed,but wasn't taken off Oral..he eventually was put on Insulin..
I've been discussing this with a Friend.Her Husband has been diagnosed with Diabetes.His Doctor gives him samples of Actos.He will take it for awhile then get scared of it and go off it for awhile.
One Day she asked the Doctor if People on Actos generally get to where they don't have to take it.The Doctor told her without hesitation,"No,once People are on Actos their Sugar normally gets worse until they eventually have to get on Insulin."
He went onto tell her,"Most People just can't do it with Diet and Exercise."She said her Husband can most definitely see a difference in himself when he will Exercise,but the problem is with his Knees and Back,Exercise becomes a problem.He has now developed High Blood Pressure.