Yes. anything with lots of sugar (or honey, corn syrup, molasses, etc.) or flour will raise the blood sugar of someone who's having trouble metabolizing carbohydrates, even if your blood test was done fasting overnight. All this means is that your fasting blood sugar is elevated (in my opinion). That fasting reading you got probably means you're "borderline" - a term some doctors still use. It also probably means that it can be controlled by diet and exercise. (I'm not a doctor. I'm just going through this myself.) If I were you, I wouldn't stress out over this. If it were critical, he would have had you back in the office immediately. The best way for you to deal with this is to make some adjustments to the diet by cutting out some carbs and doing the swimming and walking. If you need to lose weight, this will help you do it. Spend some time reading our old posts about
food/diet/recipes and you'll learn a lot. By the time you see the doctor again, you'll know more than he does.