Hi everyone, I am usually on the lyme disease forum because after 4 long years, I have finally been diagnosed with lyme and on antiobiotics now for 10 months. My question is I can't seem to get a hold of the anxiety and heart palps. I am taking xanax and dr. wants me to go on antidepressant for lyme rage. I have terrible anxiety and get episodes of rage and heart palpitations. While these can be lyme symptoms, I am finding that they are related to what I am eating. I realize now that I had very bad months in April (easter candy) and November (Halloween candy). I cut out alcohol and caffeine long ago adn have now cut out sugar. However, even a banana will make my heart race and give me terrible palps.
can you tell me if this could be insulin resistance? I go to dr. on monday and would like to request glucose tolerance test. One of the many doctors over the past few years did a fasting morning test which was fine. I was also thinking possible gluten but don't have any GI problems. Thanks so much.