High fasting figures really scare me. If I get a high reading after meal, I know I can adjust what I have just eaten. But, what can you do if you get a high fasting reading - say in the mid 90s?
(I have read somewhere that we shouldn't pay too much attention to fasting figures. How true that is, I don't know.)
Can the fasting figures go up and down every other moraning?
Some day I might get 83 and another day I might get 95. I thought once you were in the 80s 'group,' you would, get fasting readings every day of almost the same (in the 80s)?
I have rarely gone over 100, but when I see 95 /96 sometimes, I wonder why.and it gets me scared,
Could taking aspirin or Centrum vitamin, or lunesta the night before, cause a higher fasting reading? I usually do the fasting test anywhere from 10-12 hours after my snack (at about 10 PM the previous night).
Or does everybody's (pre-diabetic) fasting reading go up and down (usually forever) from low eighties to mid-nineties, or sometimes a litle over 100?
(P.S. I do not sleep too well and wonder if that oculd be one of the causes of fasting readings going up to the 90s sometimes? Several of my friends my age say they also have trouble sleeping. Plus, we (men) have to get up one or two times a night to go to bathroom.)