Hi Will,
I'm sorry this is so frustrating for you right now. If it makes you feel any better, my DH had the same kinds of problems when he was starting too. He 'heard' different instructions from the trainer than I heard. It was a very rough start, to say the least. I suggested he call the trainer to review the instructions. I think he felt she would be disappointed that he didn't get 'it' right off the bat. The trainer was lovely, she had us come back in and went over everything again, no attitude. As a matter of fact, she mentioned that most of the clients come back for a refresher, no shame in coming back. She wanted my DH to succeed as much as he wanted to succeed. She also said if we had any questions and just wanted to call and ask, that was fine. Whatever we needed to get to our goal.
When the dr suggests the patient get a pump they realize the person has a lot going on, but they feel this can eventually stabilize the person. I know it has given my DH a lot more freedom, after we mastered the first set of hurdles. ;)
This is my long winded way of saying, maybe ask to see the trainer again. I sincerely doubt you would be the first patient to come in for a refresher. Maybe have someone come in w/ you to help you remember each step. My DH and I go to each other's dr appts to be sure we catch all things said to us & I take notes on EVERYTHING! It does help.
I wish you luck on this and hope it becomes easier for you.
God bless. Alice.