I only found out that I have Type 2 diabetes on August 4th. I'm taking Metformin 850mg twice a day. I have pretty good control of my blood sugar. I'd say 95% of the time it's lower than 150 and of that, about
50% of the time it's lower than 115. I still don't understand why my fasting blood sugar is higher than my pre-dinner blood sugar. My doctor doesn't know either. I think I might need a doctor who knows more about
diabetes. What kind of doctor should I look for?
My biggest concern, though is about my kidneys. My doctor ordered lots of lab work when I saw him a couple of weeks ago. In today's mail, I got a note on a prescription form from his office that has me very worried. It's a referral to a medical office "Nephrology Associates" That's a kidney doctor, isn't it? How could I have kidney trouble so soon? I've been with this same doctor for about 8 years. He does labs on me every year. Wouldn't he have known before if I had high blood sugar, or kidney problems?
Besides going to this new doctor, is there anything I should know or do? I'm just really worried right now. I'm 52.
~~Pegasis (AKA Peggy)