Oh, Faith, that might explain a few things. Here is what WebMD says about
www.webmd.com/women/tc/polycystic-ovary-syndrome-pcos-topic-overviewIf you are indeed insulin resistant, then you definitely should not overload on carbs but if you're following a keto plan, then you aren't doing that. I don't know if your binge on carbs produced those strange feelings, maybe.
Blood sugar and hormones and how they may dip and spike can surely cause odd feelings. I don't have PCOS so I only know what I've read about
Obviously, your doctor is the one who should guide you, or you might want to see an endocrinologist. As a specialist, an endo may be able to help you balance things out.
In any case, I would still go for a balanced eating plan not over-loaded in carbs, and I wouldn't fast. Fasting messes up our blood sugar and maybe doing that and then a sudden binge of carbs could make you have those strange feelings. I have no idea.
The palpitations would worry anyone and I don't know why you had them. Could it be anxiety or your blood sugar reaction? This is why you need to have a doctor sort it out.
So, in the meantime, maybe eat smaller meals, protein, lots of different kinds of veggies (including all types of greens like lettuce, spinach, leafy greens, etc.), some fruit.
I hope you're feeling better. When are you seeing the doctor?