Tinias, here is a website with lists of food with low potassium (look at the second group down the page).
/www.kidney.org/atoz/content/potassiumLow protein would mean not a lot of meat, chicken or fish (and other food) of course, but you need to follow the list from what the doctor gave you. Yes, there is Meals on Wheels but I don't know if they have food/meals for special needs such as low potassium and protein, so you would need to ask about
that. Or, you would have to tell any restaurant you call what food you can and cannot eat.
But further than this, I feel your doctor's office needs to be more helpful to you. They know your special needs, your medical situation and that you are not able to get out of the house sometimes. They need to give you information about
social services that can help you. You're their patient and this means they have to give you guidance when you leave their office.