I thought that was a good reply you just gave to mscoleman4.
I had been wanting to ask you about
such suggestions for low carb meals, which I notice you have been advocating.
I copied and printed out a large portion of that reply, and put one copy on my kitchen cabinet door, and the other copy in my notebook that I use to record my b/s, b/p and weight readings.
One thing I have trouble with is you said something like tuna fish and two pieces of lettuce for lunch.
I eat that and I'm light-headed and fainting before I can get out of the kitchen. I'm thinking, "How am I going to have enough energy and strength to get through the next 5 hours before the next meal?"
I can cut some carbs, but I have to eat a bunch of non-carb foods to fill up so I can make it to the next meal. Do have any suggestions for that?
Below is what I printed out from your reply to mscoleman4:
We need to have a food plan and also do some sort of exercise on a regular basis. Food with carbohydrates will raise our blood sugar. The more bread, potatoes, rice, food made with flour and sugar that we eat, the higher our blood sugar will go. You will know this because if you test your blood sugar right before you eat and then about
two hours after you finish, you will see how your blood sugar rises when you eat any of that food.
What can you eat? Meat, chicken, fish, vegetables (but not potatoes or corn), lettuce and other leafy greens, peanut butter, eggs, milk products with no sugar added, cheese, nuts. Corn is a grain and has a lot of carbs.
A good meal could be a piece of chicken, some sauteed bell peppers with some slices of onions, a small salad. Other dinners could be a different piece of protein and different vegetables like mushrooms, eggplant, zucchini squash, small portion of green beans. Instead of a salad, have a little plate of salad type food you can pick from like pieces of: celery, radishes, a slice of tomato, a small cucumber, a piece of cheddar.
Chicken salad or tuna salad wrapped in a couple of lettuce leaves can be lunch.
When I eat out, I've asked for a substitute for the potatoes that come with the meal and the servers are happy to do that. Nowadays, there are a lot of people who eat low-carb so they are used to people not eating bread or potatoes.
If I order a hamburger, I tell them to put it on the plate with everything but no bun.
Post Edited (Tim Tam) : 5/1/2017 1:48:54 PM (GMT-6)