My son-in-law who is 25 was rushed to the hospital Friday night with very bad pain, and was told it was due to his blood sugar being too high (over 600)! The doctor explained to my daughter that he has the type of diabetes where his pancreas does not produce any insulin at all and that he will have to go on insulin shots. He is supposed to go to the doctor on Monday, and they gave him some pills in the meantime. He is still in really bad pain. From what I've read, it sounds to me like they are talking about
Type 1....... Has anyone else had this type of diabetes start at this age? Is this the same thing as juvenile diabetes? Also, he is really afraid of the shots. He is already asking my daughter if she will give him the shots. I know that when my late father was put on insulin, they were very insistent that he give himself the shots..... Any input would be appreciated.