Hi Barbara, let me add a welcome to the forum, too. You could be right about
the corn syrup connection and obesity. Perhaps that and some other factors have contributed to our health problems today and now we're left dealing with them. I know it's hard changing lifestyle and eating plans because I've done both in the past year. I would recommend reading Dr. Richard Bernstein's Diabetes Book. It's full of information about
the disease, treatments, food and diet, etc. This is the one book that has made sense to me about
diabetes and given me encouragement to follow a new eating plan. After being prescribed a glucose monitor a year ago because of high morning blood sugars (measured at my doctor's office), I found myself unable to bring my blood sugar down with a reasonable "diet" and was bewildered because I thought I was eating correctly. I had started using a treadmill and lost about
8 lbs, but still had elevated blood sugar. After reading a book by David Mendosa (he also has a website) which said carbs drove the blood sugar up, I gave up potatoes, rice and most bread and saw a distinct lowering of my readings. I tested several times a day (a serial tester!) and figured out a diet which has kept my blood sugar near normal. In the spring Bernstein's book was recommended by another member (fergusc) which was enlightening to say the least. According to Dr. B., our problems with cholesterol is
not from the meats or butter that we eat but from the carbs because our own bodies produce cholesterol. (My cholesteral dropped 40 points in 5 months, after cutting out the carbs.) I also use Smart Balance with flax seed oil because it's a great substitute and tastes good, but I use butter, too. Of course, butter has calories, so you have to factor that in if you're trying to control weight. In any case, losing weight is much easier and faster when the carbs are taken out of the diet and it's even more accelerated when you exercise regularly, too. What has kept me on track is the glucose monitor because I never want to see high numbers again, or put the 30lbs I lost this year back on. When you change your eating plan, be careful about
testing since you are on medication. And it's probably a good idea to inform your doctor, too. Please read through some of our past topics and you'll find lots of encouragement and help. Take care.