Hi Terri,
It is normal for people to rebel against a diagnosis, especially one which is life long. Whether its Bi-Polar, Depression, Epilepsy or Lupus people are often angry about it. I can only speak from personal experience but the main things people worry about when they are diagnosed is that they are different to everyone else and that their life is going to change so dramatically, it will stop them doing anything they want to.
Yes it is true that being diagnosed with a disorder makes you different to a lot of people on the surface. But when you think about it... everyone (mostly) has something. I have epilepsy, my friend has ecxsma(sp), another friend has Asthma, my sister has Bi-Polar, my dad has a bowel condition that I cant remember! etc... The point is that everyone has something that affects their lives to a greater or lesser extent. If we accept that everyone is unique (Which most people do) how can there be a 'normal' category if we are all different? Allow him to come to terms with it at his own pace... it will allow the anger to pass quicker.
As for his life changing... yes it will. As an epileptic, you have to avoid your triggers. For me its stress. But thats much easier than it sounds once you get the hang of it. He will still be able to drive. In the UK you have to be seizure free for a year... in the states I think it is 90 days (But I think that depends where you live). Who Vernon is has not changed. He is still Vernon, he is still a son etc... right at the bottom of the list is: He is epileptic. He needs to understand that it only controls your life if you let it.
I can completely understand how he feels as I was in the same position in 1999 when I had my first seizure. But it will pass. Video EEG's are very popular at the moment as they can tell people much more that a normal EEG since they can also see the patients reactions, their activities before and after the seizure as well as what kind of seizure it is. They are not dangerous in any way so please dont worry about it.
Please keep talking