My husband and I finally attended the epilepsy clinic. I will not even attept to spell what the specialist is supposed to be called. There was a little bit of a language barrier but he was very nice about
repeating things for me when I didn't understand what he had said to me. He feels that I am on way to much topamax ( 5oo mg a day). He asked my husband if I spoke slowly and he said yes, I know I do, I feel like a nut sometimes. When he was writing out the instructions for the sleep deprivation EEG I told him I didn't need to stay up the night before I could fall asleep at the drop of a hat and he said he imagined I could on that much Topamax. I have never had any bad side effects of Topamax so my neurologist just kept adding more trying to get the seizures under control, then he added the Carbatrol, then he started ramping up the Carbatrol and at the end gave the Topamax one more addition of 100mg. I was still seizing so he out of frustration in his office on day slammed down his folder and announced that maybe I wasn't even having seizures, ( I had been on the last EEG) and he was sending me to a epilepsy clinic and stomped out. My husband and I were pretty surprised and I was very upset because this had been my favorite Dr..
Epilepsy clinics Dr. is going to chech med levels because they werent all sent with my file. ( how professional they had just been taken) nor was the last EEG. They are waiting a month to do the EEG anyone hazard a quess as to why outside of schedualing, I forgot to ask. .seems like a long time. Monte