I have been reading your forum latley and decided to join up. I was diagnosed with epelipsy when I was 6. I am now in my 50's.
The medicines I take are Meberal - 100 mg x 3 and Zarontin 100 mgs x 2. I used to take Diamox but somehow got myself off that one when I was pregnant. I Have not been able to take it again due to side effects it causes me.
I have been "grand mal" seizure free for over 15 years now. I still have some "petit mal" seizures but only if I have a restless night or not enough sleep.
My eeg's and mri's come back completley normal. Drs used to try to induce you to have seizures and never had one. I can remember a time when they gave me sleeping medicine and then kept me awake. Never had one! Boy did i trick them! ha.. anyway, they said mine were DEEP seizures and not recordable.
I have lived with this for all of my life and sometimes wish I didn't take the medicien, but at the same time scared not to. I dont want to start all over again.
I have one son and a good marriage. My sister also suffers from Epilepsy - petit mals. My son as well has had Grand Mal and Petit Mal seizures. No one else in the family suffers from it. I am inclined (despite my history) to believe that its not genetic. I know, i sound crazy.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and let you know a bit about me.