My son has been diagnosed with "pseudo seizures". They look like full blown grand mald seizures and according to the paramedics that responded said that there is no way to "fake" a seizure. My son says he is faking it to "get out of something" or when he is bored. The episoids are happening infrequently like every 3-4 months but do seem associated with a high stress event.... taking a test, meeting a new girl, appearing on stage in a play. We had him tested a few years ago EEG's, heart murmmer, blood chemistry, brain chemistry and currently is being treated by a Psychiatrist and is not taking any medication. During his seizures my son stiffens and convulses, heartbeat races to 155 beats/minte, expeience rapid eye movement, eyes roll back, unresponsive, throws up. The episoides last approximately 15min - 45 min and he is very larthargic when he comes back around. These episoides are very scary, very real and can fool the experts so to speak. A couple of days ago he had a seizure at school in the middle of taking a test. The last episoid was earlier in the summer, so 4 months ago. I picked him up at school because the school has been instructed not to transport, he then had 2 more seizures after he got home.
My son says he faked the first one to get out of the test because he is so committed to getting straight A and there were a couple of questions coming up that he was unsure of the answers, so he needed to get out of there and that became more important than what his friends might think of him.
My real question is (instead of babbling on) can pseudo seizures be faked to the point of fooling trained medical personnel? And, can a person cause himself to throwup, have high heart rate and REM at will?
I am so lost on this whole thing and don't know what to believe.