Hi everyone--
After complaining to my neuro about (among other things) a strange "pre-sleep brain zap"...(that ONLY occurs right before sleep)-- he decided--for my 'peace of mind'...to give me a 24 hr EEG recording-!
I'm getting it put on today--(Thursday)----& I'm hoping...that I DO get a few of these..."zaps"....SO---at least I'll know....if they are in anyway...."epilepsy related"...or not!
My neuro feels pretty sure they are NOT "epilepsy"...or "seizure"...related..( I had a regular EEG.....which was perfectly normal)--but---I give my neuro credit----for giving this test....just to be sure and for my peace of mind! (He feels...they are anxiety/stress related...& part of my myoclonus)
Questions: to those who have had this recorder on----
1) -Is it uncomforatable in any way?
2) Even if I do NOT get any "brain zap"...feelings-----will it still pick up any "electrical abnormalities"?
Thanks--hoping to hear from some of you....& I'll be getting it put on soon--& let you know how I make out---Robert