Hi! Thanks for your quick responses.
Watched the video. I wish it made me feel better. The problem is the flippant response from doctors... the laughing, etc. For me, and others with either EMF or chemical sensitivities (I have it to down and polyester blankets/pillows), it is NEVERENDING. We can't sleep, and environmental irritants and cell phones in the vicinity seem to make it worse. It doesn't go away. I think my body would never shut off. I once didn't sleep for 3 days. Started hallucinating. I've never had these issues. This has to relate to infection, it's since the lyme and co-infections and dehydration episodes came along. But then it went away. Then it came back after I tried Cymbalta. Couldn't tolerate it more than 4 days. Then it went away. Then it came back after I had a lot of mag stearate from supplements.
I will try sleeping with a heating pad underneath me, but there are EMF waves that I think will perpetuate it. I can try a microwaved one that doesn't plug in... I don't even have one of the traditional heating bottles, hmm.
I just started a FIR sauna, I'm hoping that will help. I'm also being tested for Pyroluria (KPU), I'm pretty sure I have that.
Do either of you experience the sudden mouth partch too, that wakes you?
I wouldn't be able to sleep without Lorazepam. I can take less of it when I take Progesterone, strangely enough.
(docs just put me on that, estrogen and vasopressin). I have tried so many things to get these things to go away.
Sometimes I have felt like food helps it. Sometimes I have felt like being in the sun helps it. Sometimes I have felt like being in the cold helps it.. at one point I felt that low dose cortef was helping. Now I'm on naltrexone, don't think that's helping.
When I had minor surgeries in the past, the Propofol felt so great, and didn't make me twitch at all. That was with my tonsils. when I had another procedure and they didn't use propofol, i didn't feel refreshed and i twitched during it. NMDA receptor?
Anticholinergics make the parch worse, intolerable, over and over and over during the night.
Ok thanks for listening. :) Tracy