Hello all, I am hoping that someone can help me. I was diagnosed with seizures about
a year ago, Mri did not show anything abnormal but my symtoms were related to having seizures a nuro and my primary both said that they think I am having them, My symtoms were weird smells and nausa and I would space out I cant call it a black out because I was consious just non resposive, My doctors put me on Neuoton ( spelling?) about
9 months ago and I have been doing well untill recently, I have this new thing where my whole body will jerk violently, I am coherant when this happens and it will jerk so violently that It will nearly through me off the sofa if I am lying down, I was recently diagnosed with Lupus and my rhumy says thats not related, I am going in for a physical in Oct. and I am going to bring it up to my Doctor. just wanted to get you're thoughts, its a lil scarey.