Posted 3/1/2005 12:54 AM (GMT 0)
HI CIndy~~
Unfortunately for me, my epilepsy is a bit more complicated than that.
It wasn't EVER diagnosed, nor was it ever trreated. In fact, it was misdiagnsoed for other things my whole llife until last March.
I have partially intractable epilepsy, where the seizures are resistant to some meds, but not all.
I have Simple Partial seizures (full-blown and auras), Complex Partial seizures, and secondarily Generalized TCs.
That epilepsy syndrome was caused by head injuries, by child abuse, by concussions, from scarring, from 3 brain infections etc.
I have misfiring in the deep anterior portion of my L Temporal Lobe, and in the Amygdala and Hippocampus, thus making surgery too high of a risk, because their focus originates in more than one area.
This is a syndrome, but not genetically. It is here to stay, and will never go away. I can never stop taking meds and will always have to take them at high doses to even touch it. I am not a surgical candidate, because of this and the multiple foci.
I also have Generalized seizures.
I have a syndrome called Juvenile Absence Epilepsy, and it carries Absences and Grand Mals.
I also have Myoclonics.
Because there is generalized activity of ANY kind, that automatically bounces me out of any surgical options, including VNS.
So, all they can do for me, is to keep checking my blood levels, and feeding me more than one med.
I go for check-ups every 6 months, jsut for a med check, basically.
I have an epileptologist, and he KNOWS what he is doing. VERY bright man. He is supposedly ranked as the 7th best doc in the country for neurology.
2 of his colleagues are respectively #4 and #7.
THe clinic I go to is called Barrow Neurological Institute---Epilepsy Program, and it is Comprehensive.
The institute is ranked either 2nd or 3rd in the country, so you know you are ge tting good care at that one.
I wear a MedicAlert bracelet. Not some fake dealy, but the real deal.