does anybody have one of those insensitive indian doctors? supposded to be the best in the world or something because he can reading scans so well. ive had the e.e.g and to no avail it was a waste of time.I personally do not want a M>R>I because no matter what i do not want brain surgery unless its gonna kill me not to have it.
anyways i ve read all the posts and i agree with the most of you about
the side effects.I went to the dentist for a filling repair from years ago, and the dentist told me i have gingivitis , but how i brush daily floss and mouthwash like crazy and push it on everyone else too, thats when i remembered reading in the P.D.R about
the side effects and the swollen gum photos. im on 300 mg. o dilantin a day it controlls my seziures but im not sure since i dont have them much anymore, maybe i just not having them and taking this stuff for nothing.I have no trust in my doctor since all he does is weigh me and tell me to take this med. for the rest of my life, next visit tells me i might be able to switch?..... my wife just reminded me i had a seizure about
9 months ago and personally think i had it from witdrawl from the dilantin? is it just me or does anybody else notice that everyone on here thats on dilantin cant quite make the type come out right,, i know we can spell and typos are common but i have it bad, i have to go back and read what i typed because its like my hands think different keys are right or something... i didnt used to be this way and i think i have gum overgrowth my wife just told me i have bubbles on my gums when she asked what are you tying. i showed her my gums cus they freak me out lol.
Ive had a ew blood tests but never had them explained to me and i just try to avoid them since i have no insurance and i pay cash for the visits, wich is hard to do since ive had to switch job , i quit the resturaunt jobs after apprenticing my way to the top in nice resturaunts because socially people were just too harsh.... i loved it wheni switched to carpentry but i never told the guys i had seziures and never had one around them. but i know i shouldnt be on the roof since i dont even go near water or hiking alone or any thing now. i never had a sezuire until i was 23 so whats it from they said it was from xanax but i never took it they gave it too me my first e.r trip and the next trip they found it in me. my new doctor just doenst give me any any explanations or anything he just yells it at me YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE MEDICINE, if i tell the nurse anything about
paranoia or any weird side effectts she jokes that i need to stay off the drugs............ that made me so mad and my sister is a nurse there but i let it slide and now im thinking of quitting doctors and prescript
ions, to find somtehing more homeopathic and if any one knows anything remotly close please help me.
i sympathize with the other sufferrers on here and inspired me to post since there is a clear lack of and disinformation about
these drugs on the net. Doctors can be misleading with lack of info and options and somehow get us all sucked into this medecine from 30 years ago with a wicked historold this foruy,although i am sceptical ofnew drugs, i dont how old some of the posts are on here and hope we are all still here and i would like to hear follow up stories. What should i do if i think i might have gum growth side effect beginning
Added a few paragraphs to make it easier to read. Makes it easier on the eyes. Post Edited By Moderator (Roni) : 9/19/2011 2:36:54 PM (GMT-6)