I recenly have had two seziures within the span of a month. They were not terrible, in fact the neurologists have a hard time classifying them as seziures. During the first one I did bite my tounge a little, so I guess that sold them. I'm on Neurologist number 3 now, mostly because I am not happy with the level of care, more spicifically the fact that they didn't really care too much about my case and seemed to make the diagnosis rather quickly and put me on meds (Tegratol XR).
I wouldn't be so upset about the whole situation if it were not for my job. I am or should say was an airline pilot. It was the only thing that I ever wanted to do in my whole life, and the doctors told me rather quickly that I couldn't fly anymore. Frankly if anyone is going to tell me, a 25 year old, that I can't do what I love for the rest of my life they better be darn sure of it. There are a lot of things that can cause seizures and after doing a lot of research there were some bases that were not covered no matter how seemingly remote (and i think the doctors are afraid of their liability in this situation).
Anyway i'll stop ranting. Anyone have a smiliar experience and are there any pilots on here with any kind of experiences to share?