I'm so worried. She is 22, a lifelong A student, and has had 4 Grand Mal seizures - 1 at 14, 1 a year ago, and 2 within the last 3 weeks. She has been on Lamictal since the first one, and it works just fine - unless she's gotten drunk the night before.
Today I was talking with her on the phone, she was in a car (not driving, thank God) and all of a sudden she started making babbling noises. I thought they were going over a bumpy road till her friend got on and said that she was having a seizure. She was with 2 great friends, luckily again, who took care of her. It lasted about 3 minutes. Sure enough, she'd gotten wasted last night.
Last time this happened, she said she would stop having more than a couple of drinks (as the doctor advises) and that she had learned her lesson.
Today she says no, she never said that, and never quit drinking to excess - but NOW she will. I don't want to press her too hard today, as she's still recovering, but - - I am terrified of what could happen if she doesn't stick to this!! I know how hard it is to not do what all your friends are doing, esp. when you're young, but come on!
Her car is broken beyond repair, and that's also lucky. Her dad and I are in agreement that we are not going to buy her a new one for the time being, as we were going to. So no job, probably (bad bus system in her town) and no vacation, no spending money. It all sucks, sure, but there ARE worse things.
Sorry for the rant. Anyone have any insight?