hi toy
yeah your not alone, i too was told that i was having non-epilepstic seizures after being diagnosed with epilepsy.
I too started having seizures when i was 19 for no apparent reason, i think that if dr's cant find a possible cause for your seizures then its automatically put down to psychological problems, when this isnt always the case, a person with epilepsy can have normal, eeg mri ct results and still be having seizures, because the electrical activity is only disturbed during a seizures or the abnormal electrical activity is too deep within the brain for the eeg to record.
I decided to get a second opinion after having seizures for quite a while, one which landed me in intensive care on a life support machine because i didnt regain contiousness.
I am now finally getting somewhere after 18 months and dr's now think that i didnt experience non-epileptic seizures while in hospital due to all the stress and medication etc but the epi dr also thinks that i may actually be experienced (what she described as) true epileptic seizures.
what type of seizures do you have?
how long do they last?
have you ever been incontinent?
do you bite your tongue?
do you get any warning before a seizure?
what happens during a seizure?
how do you feel after you have had a seizure?