Hey MandiAnn,
Yes, I am doing well, but still trying to work out herbal and medication interactions, especially with seizure control medications. It seems the amount of literature is very small, and this is disheartning because many herbal suppliments are VERY GOOD for us!
What herbal suppliments are you taking and which seizure control med(s) do you take? I'm trying to compile a list of herbal suppliments that do/do not work with seizure meds. I talked with my pharmacist about all of this Wednesday. She feels we shouldn't take ANY herbal suppliments! Mainly because it's not regulated by the FDA (which is another sore area for me), and also the literature is small.
Please pass the word around about my little "study." I'd really appreciate everyone's help on this.
God Bless,
MandiAnn said...
Hey Tony-
I've never been on this med, so I can't really say one way or the other. Hopefully this will catch someone's eye and they can respond.
As far as any herbal, I have taken quite a few. I try to go the natural route as much as I can with. Unfortunately I've found that seizure control in herbal supplements by themselves doesn't work. Make sure your doctor knows ALL medications you are on, including your supplements. Only they can know if what you are taking is safe.
Hope you are well.