Thanks for the info.
As a further update, we took my daughter to another neurologist at Emory in Atlanta. We provided the Emory Dr the MRI disk and the EEG from the 1st Dr. He decided to perform another EEG as the notes from the previous neourologist were not clear.
The results from the 2nd EEG showed abnormal wave patterns and the Emory Dr. said it may be due to a spot on the brain per the MRI, which the 1st Dr said was nothing to worry about. Emory asked if my daughter ever had a head trauma or anything and we did not know of any except the possibility of when she was in a car accident 2 years earlier.
In any event, my daugher has always been very emotional (currently on Prozac) and when she heard this news she automatically assumed that she was going to die beacuse she thought she had a brain tumer. She has only had 2 seizures and they were several months ago. We always try to calm her down but she has always been a drama queen and worrys about everything.
However, upon hearing this news, and the fact she probably was not taken the antiseizure medicine twice a day as prescribed, lack of sleep from worrying, and lack of eating regularly she had 2 seizures within 48 hours which appear to be gran mal seizures. It was very scary for me witnessing this and she appeared to have some memory loss after it.
So we are going to call the Emory Dr on Monday to discuss next actions:
We decided now that we will dole out her daily medicine; (To make sure she takes it)
Told her that she needs to get proper sleep (She told us she is scared of sleeping alone in case of a seizure) - She is now sleeping with my wife and hopefully that will calm her down and get her back on a normal sleep routine;
Needs to eat 3 proper meals each day and be properly hydrated;
Also needs to quit smoking (Which she picked up a few months ago) and stop drinking coffee (extra stimulant).
My daughter being 20 has been striving for her independence and has been somewhat rebellious at times but now is having to rely more on us to ensure she is safe and gets proper treatment. (She cannot drive obviously, she just started a new job as a waitress but now must quit until we can get her situation under control as the restaurant does not want any liability with this which I understand).
I hope my daughter does quit the smoking and hopefully will start to live a normal schedule of sleeping and eating correctly and taking her medicine as prescribed. (I think she is scared enough that she will hopefully fall in line)
It seems like the trigger to her recent seizures were when she is most emotional about an issue and had very little sleep. We are also worried that she may have issues with going back to college and the stress of the classes.
Is there any other advice or tests that can be conducted by Emory? If the spot on the brain is from an injury what if anything can be done for it if anything. Will she have to be on antiseizure medicine for the rest of her life?
Can skipping taking anti-seizure medicine induce a seizure?
I know she was on the cell phone during a few of the seizures can that fact also attibute to seizures?
So many few solid answers
Thanks In Advance