Monday evening I stopped into the Epilepsy room to hang out with a few friendly faces. I often come across as a bit of a cocksure jerk, but Monday I must have been in rare form. Truthfully, I don't recall the details. I had taken an ambien and was checking on in my way to bed, waiting for it to take effect.
Ambien gives me amnesia and lowers my inhibitions. Its no excuse for my behavior, and I can recall a few things I need to apologize for. Jenn and Mandi, sorry for the innappropriate joke. Anyone else I gave a hard time or offended with different remarks will have to remind me, and I say up front I'm sorry for acting like an @ss. I can't remember anything that happened after angering Jenn. I "came to" at around 2:00 am, realized I was certainly under the drug's influence, and went off to sleep.
Again, my apologies to those who suffered this fool's behavior.