Hi everyone. June 28, 2006
My name is Michael Stigers - and I'm a 23 year old white male. I recently started Dilantin and have searched the internet high and low for answers to so many questions; and never once did I find any true answers until finding this message board by searching through Yahoo!
I was originally put on Dilantin due to developing seizures that were noticable in May 2006. Until then there were never any signs of any type of seizure disorder; came out of the blue and slapped me hard! I have yet to get my EEG to look a bit further into the cause of the seizures; I'm on county insurance at the moment and it has taken about two months to get an EEG. Finally I have one on July 18th, 2006. The doctor wants to see me back on July 5, 2006 to talk to me about my bloodwork on July 3, 2006.
Dilantin was a nightmare for me in the beginning. I started the medication on June 19, 2006. I did not know what to expect when I took the medication. Honestly - I didn't expect how the next week would be; with side effects still lingering today nearly 2 weeks later.
The dose of my Dilantin was not considered "high" by many people. The doctor originally started me on 700mg the first day; and 300mg there after.
The first night was the beginning in what is now a constant battle in my eyes. I took the first "starter" dose of medication which was 300mg in one dose. At first I was completely caught off guard. Mind you I take a lot of medication for chronic pain - vicodin and flexeril. Of course those drugs have side effects which everyone really feels. I got "stoned" about 30 minutes after taking the initial dose. Everything had slown down - sounds were distorted and seemed "slow" - as I looked around at the passing scenery outside the window - yet again, everything was slow. When I got home about 1 hour later I immediatly fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later to take the next starter dose of medication, followed by 100mg later.
I woke up, and felt awful. I had pain like I had been hit by a bus. I was extremely paranoid and just in a state of false being. I didn't know the person that I was - and I was very unhappy with everything. As the days passed; I gained more side effects. I began to get extremely aggresive. Mind you; I am not a real aggresive individual - but the Dilantin brings out the beast in me. Never have I been more confrontational to any living creatures around me. The look on others faces disguted me - suddenly LIFE was a battle of being the most aggresive, unhappy, achey person on the face of the planet.
My sleep pattern had been ruined; I began to only get 4 hours of sleep - and still to this day only get 4 - 5 hours of sleep nightly. It didn't use to be quite like this. I could sleep an entire night through; and into the next afternoon if I wanted! I began to have a bit of trouble walking; in a way like I was drunk. I would tetter totter back and forth like a drunk hobo. My vision began to get blurry and it was hard for me to read the guide on the cable box.
My seizures; continued the first week of my medication - not far off from the same pattern as they did before. 5 - 9 grand mal seizures per day, constant twitching like a terret's patient. With the way I felt; I honestly wanted to throw the medication out of the window. If the most important person in my life hadn't insisted that I take the medication; I would happily flushed it down the toilet in the foul mood I was in.
The following week - on June 26, 2006 everything began to change. I no longer felt drunk, my vision was fine, and I wasn't AS achey as I had been the week prior. My body was actually finally beginning to "take" the medication - no longer could I call it by the nickname I had given it "poison in a pill" - it began to slow my seizures down to where now I only have 1 - 3 grand mal seizures per day; the twitching only happens in about the same fashion.
No longer was I slamming my head into the ground when an episode suddenly came on - things seemed a lot better. I finally had what I would consider to be a bit of "relief".
I do not know what the long term, or even the longer short term effects of the Dilantin will be. I know the medcation has been around since the 1930's and is used primarily for seizures. There are doctors outside the United States who use the medication for "cognitive thought" therapy. It is tried and true. I won't take new medications because the side effects aren't well known - however Dilantin has been around like my grand parents; something is going somewhat right with it. Many of the symptoms that I have mentioned; and many other people have are *not* published on medical websites; and most importantly Pfizer. It seems as though healthcare providers do not know a lot about the medication and it's side effects.
This message board changes that for everyone that comes across it - that is why I have babbled such a long posting. There is a great wealth of knowledge here; and I am glad I have found it and can participate.
- Michael Stigers
[email protected]
23 year old / White / Male
Unknown seizure disorder - pending more tests
Seizure Medications: Dilantin 300mg, Klonopin 1mg