Okay long story...Kimmy had a bad month over a month ago. first a status with diastat and ride to E.R. on 9-5 then a status/cluster about
5 days later and amitted to give ativan and watch. Then, another status at school and admitted to start depakote I.V. and take her off of zonegran cold. Then a week later..throwing up so much she started vomiting blood, just a vein in the esophagus from throwing up so much...So the nuero, lowered the depakote to see if that was the problem...she stopped throwing up. So he added some topamax to give some extra support since the depakote had stopped the seizure but now he was lowering it....So, now she was on trileptal 900mg 2x a day, lamictal 75 mg 2x day, topamax 50 mg 2 x a day, and deakote ER 1000 mg at night....Well, she went amonth doing great and then she had a cluster last Wed. (now I know this may sound weird but Kimmy seems to have problems with overcast days and I was happy because it had been overcast all week and she didn't have one...then Wed afternoon...a cluster.So, now he was hoping she was "used" to the depakote, so he upped it back to 1500mg, Well guess who just started throwing up again all this evening....Any advice? Anybody ever have problems with overcast days? Concerned mom to 16 year old Kimmy partail complex with sometimes secondary generalization.
Beth B. in TN