Hi StressInNewYork,
Just wanted to let you know that I am in the same boat you are right now. I have simple partial seizures that give me the strange deja-vu auras and weird smells. No convulsions or blackouts. But they're really distracting.
Since my current seizure med isn't working anymore, I started to taper off of it. Now, I am also getting anxiety and panic-like symptoms. I'm not sure if they're from the seizures, or the withdrawal of the med. I am seeing my neuro this month to go over all this stuff. The anxiety is causing me depression and it's driving me nuts.
I'm 33, but my seizures started when I was 28. I had a stroke, and the stroke left me with these seizures (thanks a lot) hehe....
So, I wish I had some advice or ideas for you, but instead I wanted to let you know you're not alone with this conundrum. I'm sure there are others as well who can chime in on this. Just keep pestering your neuro for tests and support. This is a good place to get support too.