First of all ,
I am new here. Please excuses my spelling, as I am an American living in the netherlands for the last 9 what years. (No US friends here or language To help me ask or express my thoughts or feellings) and my epilepsy seems to have really ruined my brain.... I have epilespy offically (key word... thought to have it my whole life with out life threating attacks) for the last 2 years. ( know it sounds wierd, but I think that is how long now) My little sister and my aunt also recieved it later in life.(the my family denies that is why I have it also)
Anyway, I will try not to ramble. (hummm) My seizures have been controled with my meds. However , I have what I call bad days, when I recieve twitches which I can not control. I compared them to like before you go to sleep. Some days nothing and some days, I feel like a a lump and slow and confussed. My memory has left me on days. I have heard from my kids and DH, that I repeat the same questions 3 /4 times, before some gets upset with me. I forget things that supposly were said to me. I feel like a idot. I ask Did I say that? (or to my Kids) Did I promise that? Or "mom don't you remember playing with me on the trampoline yeasterday. " My inside sinks, Knowing, I have NO CLUE.. "Sure, I did..... BUT I Don't.
I put away grocieres or things important. Then I can not find them . I search high and low, crying feeling crazy and them find them in the wierdest spots.... I feeling myself dreaming all the time. Fully here but so deep in a tranfix that I cannot escape for I do not know how long. Time escapes me. Some days.
The worse now is that I cannot get my words from my brain to my mouth. I am acutally stuttering!!!!!!!!!! feeling stupid WHILE MY KIDS LAUGH. Or my confusion or simply not hearing (for gosh knows why. I think I am listening to him) what my DH has said to me. He gets so irratated with me. Sez He simply cannot have a normal conversion with me. Truely affects our marriage. I simply try to do every thing right to please him because I feel inaduquate. It acutally can make me so nervous to talk around him when I am in a confusion state in my brain. I cry and feel childlike and know how upset he gets with this confusion I am having. He literally can storm off. The differnt languages and customs DO NOT HELP ME EITHER!!!! What you must understand is that I simply cannot form words or sentences normally. I cannot tell him , I am having a problem at that time. By the time I can finally see the fog lifting, He has already gotten upset with me. Hurt, and alone and Very confused and mad at my BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cry alone and then kick my ass off the ground and keep moving.
I have never written on one of these boards. I read for help to understand what my very highly regarded epilepsy doctor, does not tell me. I am a happy going and on the run mommy of four. So, I know I am doing great but why did I feel like I have become an IDOT ? Sometimes, I wonder, If I am truely going mad. I did truely think that before my epilepsy was TRUE BLUE REAL. However, I still have these thoughts of.. Maybe, I am?????????
Hoping for some english warmth,
Kelly Ann