Do you do any meditation, or deep relaxation, hypnosis, imagery, etc.? Learning how to quiet the body - which includes the brain - I've found can help even with seizure activity. While relaxation and calming do not stop the initial surge of electrical activity, I have for decades used it to stop the spread of the seizure activity. Plus, they're just good overall stress management/health activities. Since you're looking for alternative methods, it's one thing worth trying. The best resources (although not directly related to epilepsy) I've found are at ------------------- They're used in research studies, and most are done by Belleruth Naparstek, LISW, who got her initial start working with the Cleveland Clinic.
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I have taken the link out of your post since it is classed as advertising. (See rule #4 --> Darren
Post Edited By Moderator (djdaz_1985) : 3/17/2008 5:00:04 AM (GMT-6)