I'm consuming 1000mgs twice a day (morning & evening). When I first started this med 6years ago, I was only on 750 mg twice a day but when I had a seizure, my neurologist increased it to 1,500 twice a day. This seems to control my seizures a lot. They recently decreased my dosage to 1000mgs twice a day because I lost 55pounds due to an ileostomy surgery.
It's been almost 2 years since I had a seizure. The Keppra seems to have calmed my seizures down a whole lot. Before taking Keppra, I used to have seizures every month around my menstrual time but after I started Keppra, they gradually slowed down & then three years ago, the seizures only happened twice a year due to chemical changes in my body. I haven't had a seizure since November 2009 & I really love this medicine.
My neurologist always checks my Keppra level & if your weight changes, the dosage may have to be increased or decreased depending on how much you gain or lose.