Hey AndieWendy 2 1/2yrs on and someone who can relate, i so cant believe the similarities in our Ep i'm sorry to hear
, i'll explain mine a little better and in detail, in the days leading up to a fit i dream like i've never dreamed before but i struggle to remember any of the dream, each night is the same dream, when i wake up i feel more and more fatigued each morning, a random burning tingly feeling (like when you get nervous but x10) comes with it intensifying each morning i wake till the day of a fit, during the days i put up with a shooting pain in my head (crampish like) it's mainly in the back of my eyes, jaw and in back of my head, i get a high pitched ringing in the ears with sudden zapping like noise that almost knocks me off my feet (vertigo) and other noises i struggle to describe though i have heard them during a hearing test (via the machine they use) umm heart pulpatations etc ok i'll leave that there, during an aura of a seizure, i will generally awake from sleeping with almost every noise from the hearing test machine going off in my head at once lol i get a lost kinda feeling (like that gut feeling) my heart races and my right side of my body generally cramps, i normally have a miniute or so till it all either becomes overwhelming and i pass out, or i just stops, when it becomes overwhelming and i'm about
to pass i get this weird chemical smell and some kinda music beat a dream thingy starts i cant talk (the words don't come out and i stuggle to even think of anything to be able to say) and yeah you kno the rest, AndieWendy one thing i want to know, you said you wake up then boom it hits you (i get that) but next time concentrate on the noises, do they start off like there in the distance and rush upon you?? (that happens to me) my mri's are all inconclusive as was my 10day visit too westmead hospital strapped to the eeg machine being tortured lol kept awake using flashing lights etc all the test they do to provoke a seizure that didnt work i didnt fit another time i took a machine home overnight and nothing happend on another occassion at stg hospital they strapped me up and tried to provoke a seizure only to fail to do so (mind you i was withdrawing at the time from keppra and epilim fitting 5+ times a day).. I think we could be of assistance to one another seeing the similarities of our set backs, the doctors cant relate and i'm sick of trying new meds all the pharken time that don't work (i kno everyone is different), they doctors have no idea whats wrong with me!! at first i was lieing then it was stress then it was my ears lol i showed my 5th neuro footage and now i'm an epileptic *** lol