Hi. I have a problem and it's very new. I'm 26 and I've only been diagnosed with epilepsy not even a year yet, my first big seizure was Jan 2011. Mine is sound triggered mostly they happen during the night I wake with sudden roaring in my ear or in the morning as I wake up. I can trigger it myself when sitting in a quiet room by a sudden noise like my phone, computer or even my own voice, in contrast to the quiet environment the sounds seems intensified and will cause a buzzing, clicking and roaring in my ear as well as the left side of my body going numb. I have a few seconds to shout for help before it gets so loud I black out and start to fit. The sound is hard to describe, it's become familiar and rythmical like music but theat is possibly my heart beat and blood I can hear, and I'm curious everytime to figure out what it is but becomes so overpowering and knocks me out. Sometimes I only get partials where I get the noise only and then fades out, I'm thankful for these but they are still as equally frightening. Me and my doctors are totally baffled by it, it's hard to describe and hard for them to understand. These buzzes in my ear started a couple of years ago, I got my ears checked for infection but all was ok and my GP thought it might be tinnitus. However these 'ear buzzes' appeared more frequently and have gradually become more severe to which I am now on anti-convulsion medication! I had hearing tests which came out fine and so the ENT concluded my ears to be fine so the sound and pain I experience is possible the way my brain is processing sound. I seem to struggle and fight this now everyday, medication has changed it slightly and I dont get triggered as often as before but I know the day before I have one because I seem to spend the whole day fighting it, then the second I wake up in the morning BOOM it hits me, I wake up to this roaring noise like a multitude of different sounds all at once increasing in volume. Does anyone else have this? It's a horrible aura to have and I am already sick of it, please can anyone offer any advice or similar experience? Thanks A.