Hiya, im new to the website.
Im 16 years old, when i was 12, i suffered from migraines. Then at christmas (this year) i started fainting when i recieved them. It would only last for a couple of minutes, then i would feel a little better. But when that stopped i started having absences/blackouts. To me it seems like i blink and every thing/one had moved. But, so i have been told, i have been moving, talking, doing stuff but my memory blanks it out.
I went to see a neurologist and had many tests done; an E.E.G., MRI scan and blood tests. I have now been diagnosed with generalised epilepsy. I have been taking my medication for it and its had different results.
But recently ive been having dreams. Well, when i say dreams, i mean mind splitting, brain crunching, images. Any day ive had a blackout, later that night when i go to sleep, ive been having these images. From what i can remember, they are images from that day. They play in reverse and always hurt. They are images i remember from the day but don't remember that specific event.
If any one on this site feels the same, please reply. I need to know if its only me.