Hi Tamlovesherboys-
I have brain surgery scheduled in about 2 weeks. When I read your post, I thought- wow, I know what you mean- the part about not wanting to lose part of me in the process. I think about if my memory and speech will be the same. But I've had complex partial seizures for over 24 years now, and the meds just aren't working anymore. So, for me, it boiled down to a choice between: A) taking medication, which would reduce but probably not eliminate my seizures, and B) having surgery, which might eliminate the seizures completely.
Of course, there's always the chance things might not work out as planned- I might still have seizures afterwards- but it's my one good chance at being seizure-free.
My children and husband are so great and behind me 100%, so I am moving ahead and feeling positive. I am fortunate they will be with me in Boston, Mass when I have the surgery.
I have had lots of support from people here at HW - thank you EVERYONE- because it has helped me a lot and given me the courage to do what I feel I have to do. It has helped me to connect with people that identify with my concerns/fears/worries about epilepsy.
You will know what to do ....if you feel the time is right, don't be afraid to ask yourself the question- am I ready?. Move in the direction to SOLVE your problem. Have your loved ones by your side to help you and you will be able make a decision with confidence. You have every right to be scaried about the future, but take comfort in the fact that you haven't let epilepsy stop you from getting to this point. Yes, you feel down, ...goodness, many of us can relate (!), but we are ALL behind you... (((HUGS))) Glenda