Hi Frank, when I read Kaweah Delta I smiled cause I have alot of family that lives in Visalia and i've actually been to that hospital. As far as Kaiser is concerned, don't give up. I have Kaiser and I can't say enough good about it. When I first got Kaiser I saw a general neuro and like your experience, I got no results. I've had sz's since I was 1 so when i'd see my neuro it was only really to refill meds. I'd read an article that UCLA had an Epilepsy Unit so I asked my Kaiser neuro if they'd refer me there and she said casually "Well we have an Epilepsy unit here." I was irritated that she'd see me for almost a year and knowing that my sz's weren't controlled by meds, she still failed to relinquish my file to them. Then finally she did and it's been the best thing that ever happened to me. They are seriously committed to helping their patients live sz free. My Epileptologist is Dr. Spurgeon. There are alot of them so if you don't connect with one you can see alot of them because they aren't just located in Anaheim. I saw a few different ones in Los Angeles when I had my brain surgery. You'll never regret seeing one of their Epileptologists. If I can help with phone numbers or directions let me know.