Hi everyone,
I started a topic a while back about nutrition and epilepsy. Well, I'd like to hear from anyone who has experiences with sports nutrition and the meds they take. By sports nutrition I mean protein shakes (w/ or w/o creatine) and other sports-related drinks and suppliments. I used to take these years ago with no adverse side effects, but a couple of months ago I took an herbal suppliment with a bad adverse side-effect (had a seizure), and ever since then I'm a little skittish. I'm very interested in working out again, and gaining muscle weight that I've lost.
Also, I would appreciate hearing what herbal suppliments everyone takes. I believe MandiAnn takes quite a few, but I'm not sure what they were. I think this is a great area for us to explore and encourage each other to do. Quality is vitally important, not only to help prevent seizures, but also to live a less stress-free life.
God Bless,