Hi Everyone.
I just joined this web site and would like to offer something up for discussion. First some background. I have had epilepsy since I was twelve. I've been on various meds over the years including dilantin, zarontin, phenobarbitol, tegratol and many others I've forgotten about. I am on Lamotragin 800 mg daily, Topomax 200 mg daily, and Clobazam 30 mg daily. This combo has worked for about a year and a half now. In that time I have had only two grand mal seizures. This was a big control in terms of the number of seizures I was having (one per month) When I started this combo I read that calcium/magnesium were helpful in promoting brain and nerve health. After reading this I went to my neuro and told him what I read and asked him his opinion. He was okay with me taking calcium/magnesium supplements as long as I took them with my current blend of meds and did not substitute these for my epilepsy meds.
I am not a doctor nor do I work for any vitamin or drug company. I am just a person who has had epilepsy for over thirty years. I was having fairly frequent seizures and was willing to try any mix of meds or vitamins that would help me out. For me this combo has worked. Maybe I'm lucky for now and I may be able to turn the corner on this. As we know there is no straight answer for all of us. If there was we might not be here. If this helps anyone out.....