VIEW IMAGEI am on disability, have been since April 04. It wasn't hard for me at all. My application went in while I was still working. I didn't even have to apply and just had to supply a medical from my neurologist-no problem, I've been seeing him for 16 yrs. *** Please understand-THIS WAS NOT MY CHOICE. My employer of 30 yrs (Government of Canada) applied for the DI for me and then if Sun Life Financial decides to drop my case then medical retirement will automatically start. After a 5 yr fight to keep my job I was told that my job had become redundant and as a side effect of the meds. it made me slower and messed up my learning ability to learn new tasks. I had them a bit on the ropes because I threatened to report them to the Human Rights Commission which would have been ironic because the Government introduced that bill and it wouldn't look very good if they infringed on my Human Rights and descriminated against me for having a seizure condition. My actual last day of work was March 31/04 but they paid me full salary for one year before the benefits kicked in. I don't like people to know that I'm on disability because it has a certain"stigma" attached to it. Randy