If I understand correctly, your brother always has Gran-Mal seizures when he is sick?
During this time (when he is sick) does he take any "over the counter" drugs for the cold or flu?
If he is on dilantin He should avoid taking anything containing antihistimine or decongestant.
They (antihistimine or decongestant) are known to have a very negative chemical reaction when in contact with dilantin or other AEDs and are known to trigger seizures and/or internal bleeding through the stomach.
Most ppl don't know that b/c it's not mentioned on the pill containers or accompanying liturature but just ask any pharmasist or Doctor and they will confirm this.
I don't know why the FDA hasn't made this information manditory.
Dilantin strips away some of the protective coating on the stomache lining to let the dilantin obsorbe into the blood stream easier.
The only cold remedy (if you call it that) or headache remedy is TYLONOL.
I found this out the hard way.
I had a bad headache one day so I took some Advil. After a few hours I got an uncontrollable nose bleed and lost so much blood that I felt dizzy and had to lay down, this happened twice the same day.
A couple of days later I had an appointment with my neurologist and I casually mentioned the nose bleed incident. I told him that I had a headache that day, he asked me what I took for the headache, I said ADVIL. He was shocked that I didn't go into a seizure or bleed out through my stomache.
He said from that point on I was only to use TYLONOL or anything that didn't go directly into the blood stream.
Randy (Ontario, Canada)