Have you considered having Gavin tested for SLEEP APNEA.(EEG done while he sleeps)
There could be some kind of obstruction in his airway causing a lack of oxygen to the brain.
IE: could be brought on by several ways.
IE: If he sleeps on his back, it could cause the airway to close up and chronic snoring could be an indicator.
I've had epilepsy for 28 years and this is one of my experiences.
IE: I was dx'd with Chronic Obstructive Sleep Apnea in May 2007.
After my sleep disorders test the Dr. showed me the EEG from one night, I would stop breathing up to 50 times/hour and had 3 seizures and that I was waking up "post ictal" (moody and spaced out)
I have recently purchased a CPAP machine which provides constant air pressure and have noticed a vast improvement.
No more snoring (the whole family sleeps better now), more energy when I wake up, better REM sleep, improved memory (less short term memory loss), and most of all ~ NO MORE NIGHT SEIZURES.
Now maybe my Neurologist can reduce my meds.
I'm surprised that finally after 28 years I finally get an answer.
All this came about as a result of my wife's complaint to her Dr. about my snoring.