Dear Sera,
You have got to get this under control and quickly. After 51 years of having fibro I have been through just about everything, including what you are going through now. I believe that you are having a bad reaction to one or more of your meds. This can happen even if you have been on the same meds for some time. Call your doctor's office! If you can't get thru to them, go to the ER. Call a neighbor, a cab, your minister or priest, anybody, but get someone to be with you. In the mean time I agree with the gatorade, also try some warm broth or a cup of tea with honey in it. I know that it is an old remedy, but warm milk helps a lot of people get to sleep. Put on some soothing music, close your eyes and try to relax. Put your meds on the counter and put a tablet and pencil right next to them. Write down what time you have to take your meds and cross off each time as you take your meds. You can do this! You will be fine. We all believe in you and are here to give you support, but right now you need someone to be there physically with you.
I know it is hard to have your husband gone and be the new kid on the block. Been there. You have to reach out, other wise no one will know that you need help.