Hi, Angeliz, and welcome! I have a big toe on one foot and a middle toe on the other foot that is swollen. I do not have arthritis. I think the muscles are irritated and have swollen. So you are not a lone there.
When I first came down with fibro it started with my toes hurting, then my ankles, knees, hips back and shoulders, fingers, wrists, and when it hit my elbows, it was like I had banged the "funny bone" and I felt shocks of pain radiating from my elbows down to my fingers. This all happened in a matter of 45 minutes while I was watching television! The terrible elbow pain went on for over two weeks without relenting. I was put on ibuprofen and Tylenol and that brought things under control. So, what you are feeling can definitely be fibro. But it's good to get checked out because fibro can mimic other things. Hope this helps you.
I'm so glad you have joined us and I hope to hear more from you soon!