Hi, Speppy, and welcome to the fibromyalgia forum! I'm so glad you joined us! You will find a great group of people here with some good ideas and advice to help you live a full and enjoyable life.
I'm 61 and have had fibro for 21 years. I have never let it stop me from doing anything I really want to do. I just have to do a little planning. I do pace myself and don't try to get everything done in the same time frame as before fibro. But, it all gets done eventually.
I use ibuprofen(with food) and Tylenol for my pain and malic acid/magnesium supplements for pain and fatigue. I just started the supplements last December and they have really helped me a lot. I'll bump up the thread about them for you and you can read it and see what you think.
Moist heat works well for pain. Hot showers and rice bags that heat in the microwave are wonderful. I also get light massages from a massage therapist that knows all about fibro. That helps me a lot too. Be sure to keep moving. Walking is wonderful. The stretching exercises, on the Fibro 101 thread, are great too and are done sitting down. If you do not keep moving, you will be stiff as a board.
Be sure to check out the Fibro 101 thread. It is the second thread on the first page of this forum. You will find links to some good info about fibromyalgia. There are links to symptoms of fibro, great stretching exercises, and you will especially like the link about doctor's responding to a New York Times article. I'm sure you can relate to it.
Try reading some of the posts. There is a world of information in them. Also, don't hesitate to ask questions. That's what we are here for. Meanwhile, have a good evening, stay safe from the tropical storm, (I live in Tampa Bay) and I hope to hear more from you soon!