What have I learned? I have learned that life, no matter how bad it gets is still a gift. I have learned that when I think my troubles have become unbearable all I have to do is look around and it is easy to find someone who is in worse shape than me. Like my young neighbor, who at the tender age of 18, crashed his ATV and became a parapalegic. Or my other neighbor who is only 10 yrs. older than me and has been driving himself 180 miles roundtrip, once a week for chemotherapy for the last 7 years.
I have learned to take each day, each hour as it comes. Planning things only leads to disappointment. I have learned that on a bad day that whether I like it or not I have to take it easy and that on a good day I have to pace myself and not overdue. I have learned that as the years go by and my life changes so do my conditions. As I have learned in over the 50 years that I have dealt with fibro, and picked up sooo many other things along the way, it is necessary to constantly adapt. I have learned that acceptance of what I can not change is a lot less work that trying to fight a losing battle. I have learned that life is as pleasant or unpleasant as you make it. As they say, every cloud has a silver lining. I have learned that the really important things in my life only continue to get better. My hubby's love, affection and concern have only grown deeper over the years. My son and grandson are always a source of strength and joy. These things can not be affected by anything that my conditions can do to my body. I have learned that maintaining a positive attitude has a lot more benefits than feeling sorry for myself. (Not that I don't have a good old fashion pity party for myself once in a while.) Even that can be a good thing, it cleanses my soul and washes away the depressing thoughts.
I have learned that you don't have to be face to face with someone or talking to them on the telephone to share the good and bad with good friends. Thank you all for being here.