Squick alert!
I've been stressed to the max and DH thinks that is the reason for what happened to me last night and continues today.
I was feeling anxious and stressed out yesterday evening, almost to the point of a panic attack and my pain level was nearly topping the scales. I took a muscle relaxer and was able to fall asleep.
about 2am I got up as usual to head to the bathroom. When I was heading back to bed I though that I was a little nauseated (normal for me) and was going to go get some Rolaids but decided that I would just hop back into bed and fall back to sleep.
I did fall back to sleep but woke up with terribly painful cramping and feeling like I was near vomiting. I rushed to the bathroom where I simultaneously sat on the toilet and grabbed the trashcan. The pain was so intense in my lower abdominal area that I thought I was going to give birth and I was vomiting profusely. I started sweating heavily from every single pore in my body until I was completely soaked and at the same time I had intense chills. Once the vomiting slowed a bit then the diarrhea hit. I grabbed a hand towel from the sink and leaned into the tub and got it wet to put around my neck since I felt that I was going to pass out from the pain.
This went on for an hour. I finally gathered my strength and my wits and made it to the family room, grabbed a blanket and curled up into a tiny ball on the love seat (the dog was taking up the entire full size couch!).
The cramping never stopped but I somehow managed to doze off for about 20 minutes until the "urge" to go hit me again and I rushed back to the bathroom. Another round of vomiting and diarrhea lasted for nearly 30 minutes. After that and it was back to the couch.
DH woke up about 5am and came to see what was going on since he noticed the light on. With very little energy and still doubled over with cramps he talked me into going back to bed.
I never fell back asleep and decided that the intense cramping must be gas related since I no longer have periods (pill) even though I started thinking that the feeling was what my menstral cramps used to feel like. I go searching for some anti-gas meds, find some and take one. I also take two Advil to help with the cramping.
By 6am I am back in the bathroom and now I am passing bright red blood with what little stool/mucus remains. This eventually turns to blood clots only. This was finished by 10am. No more vomiting or diarrhea or passing of blood/clots since then (12+ hours now).
I was too weak from my ordeal to worry too much but was concerned. Passing blood isn't something I have ever done before but it wasn't enough to think I was bleeding internally plus it was bright red, not tarry looking and figured it was from the lower end.....not a specific emergency.
It's now 10:30pm. I have eaten very little today for fear that it might prompt a return of some of my symptoms and I have no appetite either but needed "something" for strength (chicken broth/crackers).
I have had cramping on and off (not as severe) all day with waves of chills or feeling hot. My temp has remained normal all day and the severe nausea has subsided to a tolerable level.
My entire body feels as if it is on high-alert. Very painful to move anything and everything ACHES constantly.
I know stress can do WEIRD thigs to a person but this is a bit overkill in my opinion. I am not one to rush off to a doctor and usually think I can "heal" myself. This has me concerned enough that I might consider it however.....all the reading I have done today regarding my symptoms seem to point to Irritable Bowel Disease, Chron's or even hemmoroids (don't have that I know of).
If the symptoms persist into tomorrow I will make an appt ASAP (after holiday) but if I start to feel better?????
Sorry to be so graphic but no way to explain unless I was honest. I know Fibro does weird things and I have never been "normal" with elimination and the nighttime visits are not odd for me. I call it the FM Cleanse......
Anyone ever had anything similar?