I'm so bad. I post a question, then disappear for a few days and don't reply! Sorry . Thanks to all that took the time to answer.
I think I have things under a little more control now. A list!! I used to do those, why didn't I think of that? Thanks so much Karen for reminding me. It does look so much more managable when you see it on paper. But, I did have to add to it as I remembered stuff... unpack the trailer, winterize the gardens, take down the pool (that we only used 10 times, grrr). I'm always late on the outdoor stuff as the cold weather takes me by surprise every year. Sometimes I feel like the grasshopper in that old fairy tale, lol. Oh, btw, I love that quote! I wrote it down to use in one of my scraps.
Sherrine, thanks for your post. You always seem to have a knack for making me calmer. I took out the girls' hand-me-downs for fall and went through those boxes. Oldest dd was wonderful at trying things on and a big help. The boys, well, that's another story. They hate trying! lol. I'm waiting for a weekend that dh has off too for them. So now I have 4 loads of laundry to do today, sigh. I did do the winter coats in the spring, but I like to redo them when I take them out too. Is that overkill? nd how on earth are you so organized? I wish I was more, but I can't seem to get my act together. And disorganizaton makes me crazy! I actually have my closet colour coded, lol. I used to do dh's, but gave up on him after a few years. I'm slowly tryign to let go of ds's too. But paper trails and events, forget it. I've tried keeping an agenda, but no good.
Marlee, I got stressed reading your post! Hey, if you can do it, so can I. I only have Christmas for us and my IL's, sometimes my SIL and her family if it's the year they come here. So I can't say I entertain that much. I had to LOL at the family planning bit. I *almost* have a child each season, but really it's late fall to late winter, not too bad I guess. I am no the cleanest of housekeepers, but I am a perfectionist. If anythign is out of place, I know it. I have let go of a lot b/c of the kids, but I'm still way too uptight, and I know it. It's crazy how much time we waste about stuff that really isn't important.
Meggie, thank you for giving me the ok to mispell!! I had to laugh at that, it's so true! I was sent an email once with a message that was all mispelled, too bad I don't have it anymore. It was to show how the human mind can work, very interesting. As long as the first and last letter of the words are in the proper place, you can read it, even when all jumbled. Weird, uh? It only works as long as you don't have any extra or missing letters.
Diane, I'm so sorry about your family. It's a real shame about your nieces. Maybe it's the way I was brought up, but that just seems so wrong. Although I saw it a lot in my family growing up, when we went to my grandmother's. Of course the boys didn't do anything. Then I was one of the youngest that was brought up to really respect and help out the elders. As I got older, I saw all my younger cousins playing or sitting and watching the others work.
Tapestryloom, good idea, I should read up on controlling stress. I think that I'm not stressed sometimes, but I know things must be affecting me, I just don't know what. And I do feel much better when I'm not as fatigued too and can get things done. It must be partly from feelign in control, intead of out of. You had mentioned in another post about taking time to meditate, and other ways to destress. When do you do this? How do you find time? I have 4 young children too, and I find that any time spent on myself is wasted. But I have started exercising again in the mornings, although it can be frustrating with the baby climbing on me when I do floor work. Still, I do have more time adn feel less anxious with the 3 older ones in school now even if the youngest of those is only part time.
Cheers, and I'm hoping you all have a good day