Hi Gina and welcome to our family. I agree with Khalin, what are you trying to prove??? Fatigue is the worse part of this for me too. I can deal with the pain most days but I only have so much energy in me and when it's gone it's gone. It is frustrating cause by 3 in the afternoon I'm pretty much done and that doesn't leave much of a social life since most things are in the evening. I can not sleep during the day but I do rest.
It sounds like your family needs to be educated on fibro. There are a couple of things like the spoon theory that is helpful to make others understand about our energy. Read the fibro 101 thread, second on first page, there is a great deal of info in it. I would have never understood the fatigue problem before I got fibro. I knew what tired was but not the drained, bone tired can't go anymore feeling.
Some have had great results with malic acid/magnesium combo.
Ask questions, read and vent when you need we are here for you.
luv and hugs