Thanks to the FM, I am tired constantly, and some days so bone-weary exhausted I can barely drag myself around. In order to go to work during the day, I try my best to simply ignore the tiredness, and sometimes break down and consume caffeine at work, which I know is a no-no. But anymore, I find myself too tired to be a participant in my own love life. While my hubby is usually pretty understanding, other times I know I'm a disappointment for not being up to the task, and while he SAYS he's not upset, his attitude tells me differently. Sometimes I'll try to get in synch with him, but he says he knows when I'm not really up to it, and he'll just go to sleep. I really do try, and I really, really don't want to disappoint him, but I can't force myself to feel something I'm not feeling. It's very frustrating for both of us. He doesn't want to do anything unless I can, too, and I often can't.
I do love him so much, and we used to have a great bedroom life. But it has gone downhill in the last couple of years, and I feel that 99% of the fault lays with me. Is there anything I can do to counteract my unwilling hormones? It's not like I can go to my doc and ask for some Spanish Fly, lol!